Scenario; you are preparing to leave the house and do the check list—what do I need with me;
Cell phone? Keys or key fobs? Wallet with all ID’s? credit cards, computer, iPod, tablet, kindle, GPS or destination info to input thereof, proof of Covid test or vaccinations, coat, hat, umbrella, raincoat, shopping list, shopping tote bags. And that list is just for us seniors.
You work, run a business (not remotely), go to school, are going jogging or to the gym and need your pedometer and water bottle, bird watching and need your binoculars or camera, you need airline, train or bus tickets to get to your destination, (hopefully they are on your phone if you remembered it), your brief case or luggage, going to socialize and need the house gift you purchased, or a bottle of wine or other beverage and on and on.
Paul and I (usually) quiz each other when one or the other is departing or both of us are on our way.
BUT, sometimes we forget that part or even if quizzed, still leave something behind.
Yesterday, we departed to go to a furniture shop to order new bar height stools for our kitchen counter. All of a sudden, Paul exited the expressway 2 exits early and did a U turn, declaring, “I don’t have my phone!(@%&# *)”. He was really very nice and kept his cool, it was only time and being retired, it did not matter. Aren’t we all lost souls with out our phones? Forget a shopping list, we can improvise, a raincoat, it is only water, the destination address; go hunt on the GPS, Tickets, they should be on your phone…! and so on.
As we drove toward the exit ramp, someone in a small car zipped ahead of us, setting off the radar warning in our Jeep but missed us by an inch or two. We did a U turn to reverse direction, and he did the same ahead of us. “Hmmm we said, I bet he or she forgot something as well. Then, another car in the left lane surged ahead and passed a couple of cars in a hurry. We bet that he forgot his phone, must be the case. Home we went only loosing about 10 minutes, Then off to the shop entering with the remembered print out for the stools we chose last fall to be deferred to this time, our return to the apartment. The item was discontinued-not a surprised, and nothing else met our specs. Off to the other store in the Armory shopping plaza, (Rochester, NY) and they had just the thing we had hoped for at the breakfast bar.
Happy campers, we went off to do our other errands accessing the shopping list on our phones and other information we needed to finish our errands and return to the apartment. we are pretty much finished our move back from the motorhome but are packing to leave tomorrow for a family event in Boston. How lucky we are to be seeing a large part of Paul’s side of the family and some of our kids and grandkids. Lucky indeed.