Message in a Minute; Presidential Quotes How Do We Cope?

“Mass shootings are horrible and painful, but a president who is taking this country toward fascism is far more worrisome.” Letter in Opinion, NYT

Up Ed quote NYT;”On his way back to Washington on Sunday, he stressed that he was “very, very concerned with the Second Amendment, more so than most presidents,” and he helpfully offered, “People don’t realize we have very strong background checks right now.” Leaning on one of the gun lobby’s favorite talking points, he said that this is “a very, very big mental health problem.”

“Yes, it is — if you consider chronic political cowardice to be a mental health problem.”

How and why do we tolerate this Ego infested, self serving soul as a president: a leader we count on to move the world forward, not backward into a deep Abyss.  As hard as I try to be tolerant of the actions of this administration, I can not grasp why we must leap into this hopeless path to the future.  

And it goes on and on, Greenland (a nation for sale?) Drilling in the precious Arctic, closing parkland, preserves and animal friendly organizations and spaces. Displaced families, guns that don’t shoot on their own,  Jews can be loyal and committed one way-his of course. People are terrible, horrible, stupid, ugly…”you must think like he does, praise him, applaud him, think him sane. Oh yes, do we truly have a first lady?A legacy of strong spouses doing as much good or perhaps more during their time in office. This “first” lady is certainly not living in the manner we have adored since President Washington and Martha. Does he keep her under lock and key?

A counter, haunted contrarian, going beyond any common sense. I rant, I rave, it feels good for a few minutes.