The news today reports huge reductions in pollution levels this last week with roads and highways void of traffic and pollution producing machines, those that we have become terribly addicted to and those of which we cannot let go.
Images, map March 1-19, 2019 and map March 1-19, 2020
Will we learn, can we learn and do everything possible to keep these levels at bay once we get back on the road? If we can not let go of our 4 wheeled autos and everyone wanting to be in the same place at the same time then we will return to the same high pollution levels. Instead, it is imperative that we do learn and stop destroying our earth with our selfish ways.
The URL to the NYT pollution reduction report;
When we get to the point of recovery opportunity, it will take intense public education jammed full of directives on how to lower pollution individually, family wide, community wide and world wide much like the messages and directives about hygiene methods to beat the COVID-19 Virus. I am not proposing anything beyond what most of us should be thinking. Convincing the government, the public, all businesses, all of our institutions and all else to comply will be a long road. Work from home for those who can. Repackage goods without all of that plastic and tape and use recyclable boxes and more measures to be taken in that realm. Oh, if packaging could be simple and not necessitate a technical course in physics and mechanics to open a package of pencils or hand wipes or nuts and bolts.
Furthermore, in the recovery phase we are all responsible to make sure those in special need have food, shelter and jobs. About jobs, hiring those unemployed to do the jobs that will, down a long road, lead to status quo. Health aids, crop pickers and packers, child care, school aids in the classroom whether these are in school buildings or online classrooms and so much more. It is an overwhelming prospect but we have come this far and need to remain centered, optomistic and focused that there is a future to the good.
No more rambling on my part. Go take a walk, exercise, wash, disinfect, and thank every worker that you see, health services, food services, delivery services and let’s make human beings deserving of the name Human as in Humanity.