Message in a Minute; Garth Fagan Dance Co. hometown born

Bragging is usually a form of irritation but in this case it is a form of pride. The Garth Fagan Dance Company was born in my hometown of Rochester, NY, a town reknowned for its rich cultural life for decades. In the year 1970, we attended a dance concert, billed as THE BOTTOM OF THE BUCKET BUT; it was their premier debut, conceived by the brilliant dancer/choreographer Garth Fagan. The original troup of dancers were not picked from strenuous, highly competitive auditions, Garth sought out young and diverse folks he encountered in daily life and when he discovered a soul that displayed Soul, movement and enthusiasm big enough to enter the troup, he tapped them on the shoulder and invited them for consideration for his new troup. What a genius, he picked many stars that still glow today. 

We are in the midst of a whirlwind visit to Rochester, trying to catch up with friends, events and life in our hometown. What a visit it is, and during Fringe Festival (a brilliant and highly successful fest) celebrated in many cities in this hemishphere and perhaps beyond. We grabbed tickets to a Garth Fagan scheduled festival event. The Performances featured work of the students of all ages as well as works from the years of the troups existance. Garth is full of surprises and unknowingly to the audience we were treated to a performance of the current work in progress; Prime dec 2017. Work in progress? It seemed polished and wonderful and will be featured during the troup’s season performances at Nazareth College in December. They travel around the world, Garth’s fame includes his On Broadway choreography in the production of Lion King, now continued in traveling musical productions. I just had to brag. We have supported this grand company every year since that eventful night at the Highland Park Bowl. For our western friends, they will perform in LA in Oct 2019, location and dates to be announced. If you are in Rochester attend (at Nazareth college in Dec.) or LA or NYC and beyond. Check the web site below for scheduals and attend performances. You will be blown away by such GREAT dancers as Steve Humphrey (still performing to a T in his mid 60’s and is amazing), Norwood Pennewell and Natalie Rogers, all Bessie Award Winners-the coveted dance award and so many others in the troup. Some have retired and are teaching and serving in other management roles.  PLEASE visit their web site: Chances are guaranteed high that Garth will be very present at each and every performance and that you will be able to meet Garth and the dancers in person. ENJOY  

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