Monday’s Blog; Here Today, Gone Tomorrow

Transitions once again. Our RV lifestyle is fast, furious and not always predictable. Plans are always with a small question mark because flexibility is the key. Flexibility by the moment, day or long term and temptations arise like the waves in the ocean. After saying all of this, the past year has been different for us; we have stayed in one place for months, taking the rig out for shorter trips, traveling by Jeep but delving hard into our lives in our RV community; Jojoba Hills RV Park in SoCal. We both have delved in so deeply taking on sizeable responsibilities, much like we have done all of our lives and we know you all have as well. off and away we go in two days for a tour of Ireland relying on our ability to let go. The committee work will survive without us. Summer and the living is easy in this park. The population drops steeply, governance and committee work decreases, but the glory of this RV park is maintained beyond measure.

Delegating those responsibilities to summer residents and wonderful staff means we can be here one day and then leave the next and survive shedding the responsibility. I feel it is akin to months of enveloping oneself in a favorite old coat, hanging it up for awhile then upon return, it fits comfortably as if there was no interval of separation. After the Ireland tour, we return to our site for a week then head up the California coast knowing when we return in late November we will fall into our niches and carry on, hardly missing a beat. Now to unzip the suitcase and start packing. happy summer, healthy summer everyone.